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How To Get Flora In Conquest

How To Get Flora In Conquest

A couple of people in my Skype group are trying to figure out what's going on in this picture. Corrin's facial expression, and Felicia's pose, imply that Flora is squeezing Corrin.

This is a patch which allows Flora to join earlier in both Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest and Revelation-the end of Chapter 8 in Conquest, and Chapter 12 in Revelation.

How To Get Flora In Conquest Online

And the smile and music from Flora's face imply that she'd be doing it either with malicious intent or completely obliviously.But Flora is neither ditzy - that's Felicia - nor evil, and even if you were drawing her out of character, you don't tend to draw destructive giantesses. You will draw destruction caused by a giantess, but not stuff she caused intentionally.

Contents ProfileJakob is a butler who serves in the Kingdom of. Although born into aristocracy, Jakob lost connections with both of his parents, a fact that, according to his supports with, stems from them never loving him, never forging happy memories with him, and eventually abandoning him. Electing to follow Corrin regardless of the choice that they make, Jakob attributes this to the kindness and compassion that they displayed towards him when he was alienated during his induction into the service of the Nohrian royalty, keeping him around despite his initial blunders. If he achieves an S-Support, Jakob will have a son named.If Corrin is male, Jakob will remain in the with.

At the end of Chapter 15 of and, Jakob will eventually find Corrin's and promptly joins their cause.In the case of the female Corrin, he is more involved with the first few chapters.PrologueAfter many years stuck in the Northern Fortress, Corrin finally wins the approval of King Garon to leave the fortress. If Corrin is male, he remains at the Fortress in the meantime with Flora.If Corrin is female, Jakob accompanies her to where they are tasked with executing a few Hoshidan prisoners of war. After Corrin refuses to execute the prisoners, she is tasked with surveying a fortress at the and Jakob tags along. After the battle, Corrin goes missing and Jakob goes off in search of her. Jakob eventually reunites with her during the first battle between and Nohr. Regardless of the path Corrin has chosen to follow, Jakob follows her.BirthrightIf Corrin is male, Jakob joins Corrin's army after they clear in.

After successfully infiltrating Nohr, Corrin and the army reunite with who offers to bring them to the Ice tribe Village to rest. However, this was a trap that King Garon forced Flora to commit. During the battle, should Jakob face her, he attempts to dissuade her from attacking them and asks to reconsider her actions. As Flora laments that their happier days in the Northern Fortress are long gone, Jakob is unable to hear her desire of living together with him due to the howling blizzard. After the battle, Corrin attempts one last time to convince her to join their cause, however her shame in betraying Corrin and her own guilt for succumbing to Garon's evil makes her set herself ablaze.

Jakob and Felicia do all that they can to stop the blaze, but their efforts are worthless as Flora eventually dies from self-immolation.In, Jakob and the Hoshidan siblings are notified of the battle at Demon's Falls and they manage to cross through it. Afterwards, Jakob is the one to suggest taking a rumored shortcut through the Demon's Falls to reach the Nohrian capital of Windmire faster. Upon returning to Castle Krakenburg after Corrin decides to side with Nohr, she is tasked with quelling a rebellion by the by herself. Worried for his liege, and unaware that Corrin was supposed to put down the rebellion by herself, Jakob accompanies Corrin on the way to the Ice Tribe Village. On the way in the, they are ambushed by a group of, but are assisted by, and her retainers and.As Corrin and her forces approach the Ice Tribe village, a sudden blizzard blankets the snow, causing Corrin to black out, but Corrin manages to be nursed back to health by Kilma, the village's leader, not knowing that Corrin was sent to put down the Ice Tribe's rebellion. Jakob and Elise eventually find Corrin, and Jakob is surprised to find that Flora is at the village, because he thought she was still at the Nohrian capital with her sister, Felicia. Elise then unwittingly blurts out Corrin's purpose for coming to the village to suppress the rebellion and a fight ensues.

Should Jakob confront Flora during the battle, she recalls when she and Felicia were taken hostage by Nohr in order to prevent an insurrection from the Ice Tribe. Though Flora wanted to escape and return to her tribe, she stayed because of Jakob's presence. Nevertheless, both Flora and Kilma are defeated, but spared, along with the rest of the tribe, who were healed by Elise and Jakob, leading to the Ice Tribe temporarily halting their rebellion.If Corrin is male, Jakob joins Corrin's army as he begins his assault on Hoshido in at the end of.In, as Corrin's army ascends the Eternal Stairway in a bid to enter the realm of Hoshido, Jakob and Felicia alarm the group that all of the Hoshidan soldiers are dead.

Suddenly, they are ambushed by a horde of Faceless, which killed the soldiers and Jakob and the army barely manages to escape. 'End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!' RevelationThe female Corrin, unable to choose between their families from Hoshido and Nohr, attempts to reason with and in order to prevent them from fighting to no avail.


Wanting to stop them and get them to listen to reason, Azura suggests that Corrin take down the lead captains of both armies. Jakob joins Corrin before the fight begins. While successful in catching Xander and Ryoma's attention, their action is perceived as an act of betrayal by both and they are branded as traitors. Forced to flee from the battlefield, Corrin, Jakob and are taken to the realm by Lilith for their safety. Jakob remains by their side from that point onward.If Corrin is male, Jakob will rejoin the army after completing the chapter.ParalogueIn, Jakob visits his son in his to deliver his favorite coffee beans. However, to Jakob's surprise, invisible forces have infiltrated Dwyer's Deeprealm and is attacking his house. Jakob quickly rushes to rescue his son.

Hearing the commotion outside, Dwyer decides that the best course of action is to stay inside and let his caretakers defend him. In the meantime, he promises to keep them healthy until he can be rescued.

Jakob misinterprets his inaction as laziness and when Dwyer finally reunites with him, Jakob chastises him for not fighting, even though he is healing his comrades. Dwyer rebukes him, saying that healing does as much good for others as fighting. He even adds that he taught him how to be a good butler, and that is done first by serving others, not showing up his masters.


Jakob continues to chastise him, saying that there is more worth protecting others through their bodies rather than healing in the back. Jakob vows to show Dwyer how to properly be a butler, and Dwyer agrees to see how it is done.After the battle, Jakob tells Dwyer that all of his caretakers had abandoned him in the aftermath.

Shocked and surprised, Dwyer then asks Jakob to take him with him as he has no one left. Jakob refuses, saying he will stay in his Deeprealm for not fighting with his skills. Suddenly, an invader sneaks up behind Jakob, and Dwyer leaps into action to protect him. Jakob is amazed that Dwyer's 'Slappyface' attack managed to down the invader, leaving him to wonder why Dwyer did not fight earlier. Dwyer explains that it was their job to watch over him, so he did not want to take away their work from them. Jakob decides to let Dwyer join his army and even declares that he will become a better butler than his father.

Jakob takes this as a challenge and looks forward to their battle of the best butler.PersonalityJakob is a dutiful butler who serves Corrin. On top of being great at housework and other chores, he is an excellent fighter.

According to his supports with Azura however, this was not always the case. It was because of Corrin's strong belief in him that he continued to remain in services. He is dutiful, kind, and courteous to Corrin when speaking to them. He has an undying loyalty towards them to the point he ends up getting into a verbal spat for Corrin's caretaking in his support chain with Camilla and even gets into a verbal battle with in the Xenologue on who serves their Lord/Lady better as a butler. Jakob's devotion is so strong that he, against his better judgement, aids Takumi in very dangerous archery practice just because refusing might disappoint Corrin.However, around other members of the army he can be rather unsociable, speaking very rudely and bluntly to them.

He sometimes speaks to others purely for the sake of making fun of them as shown in his support conversations with. He can be petty, enough so that he becomes upset that his own son brews coffee better than he can and repeatedly challenges him until he can produce superior coffee. Nonetheless, he still helps others when needed as part of his duty as Corrin's butler.

He hates mornings the most out of everyone in the army. His birthday is December 3.In-Game Base Stats.

How To Get Flora In Conquest